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T. E. P. Noodle

Categories: outdoor pursuits/games/nature

ISBN: 978-1-911052-06-7
Dimensions: 125 × 90 mm
Extent: 184 pp.
Publication date: September 2021


Final cover front only 150 dpi.jpg

The Lucky Leaf Handbook is the world’s first guide to the game of catching leaves as they fall from the trees. T. E. P. Noodle is a pioneering “lucky leafer” who has been playing the game for many years, and has harnessed that experience, along with immeasurable enthusiasm and an inimitable prose style, to produce a book that will appeal to readers of all ages who have a spirit of adventure and a love of the great outdoors. By the end of the book, the author believes, you too will regard lucky leaf as “the greatest of all games”.


The Lucky Leaf  Handbook is published in a miniature format, and is bedecked with original illustrations and photographs, plus a detailed index. The text covers all aspects of the game of lucky leaf, and a good deal more besides. It is one of the most unusual and uplifting books you will ever read. All this for just six pounds!

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